
Pharma Logistics Network Attendees gather in the Shadow of the Tokyo Tower

2018 PLN Conference - Tokyo, Japan

Fri 1st June 2018
The 5th Annual meeting of the Pharma Logistics Network was held in Tokyo and was hosted by Cavalier’s new partner Mitsubishi Logistics.
This year had another great turn out as shown in the group photo in front of the iconic Tokyo Tower.  Every year, we try to make these meetings a combination of in-depth Pharma content and a great networking opportunity mixed with a bit of culture related fun.  The Tokyo meeting excelled in all three aspects.
Certificate of Froreign Drug Manufacture - Japan

Cavalier Logistics Receives an Accreditation Certificate of Foreign Drug Manufacturer from the Japanese Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare

Tue 19th December 2017
Cavalier Logistics is proud to have just received an Accreditation Certificate of Foreign Drug Manufacturer from the Japanese Ministry of Health Labor and Welfare.  Number of Accreditation AG30400563 Dated September 29, 2017.

This Accreditation allows Cavalier to Package, Store, Label and Ship Pharmaceuticals, Medical Devices, Regenerative and Cellular Therapy Products, Gene Therapy Products and Cosmetics originating or destined for Japan.
Cavalier takes a quantum leap forward in the Bio-Pharma and Healthcare Services Vertical

Cavalier takes a quantum leap forward in the Bio-Pharma and Healthcare Services Vertical

Tue 28th November 2017

November 8th, 2017 marked the grand opening of Cavalier new state of the art Cold Room.

Officials from The State of Maryland and Howard County along with Cavalier customers and suppliers were on hand to witness the ribbon cutting ceremony.  Cavalier was presented with a Secretary’s Citation by Virginia Crews and Gina Stewart of the Maryland Department of Commerce and a Proclamation by Howard County Executive, Allan H. Kittleman. Additionally, a letter from Congressman Dutch Ruppersberger (Maryland’s 2nd District) was presented by his representative Ashley Meyer.
Cavalier continues to invest heavily in its developing bio-pharma division. The opening of the new 2-8 °C 610 pallet cold room is one such investment that positions Cavalier for future growth. Cavalier’s President and Owner, Mr. Tim Holdaway, said “This state-of-the-art facility is a physical demonstration of the belief we have in the company and our vision for the future.”


Daren Wickham attends the 2017 World Freight Partnership General Meeting

World Freight Partnership Annual Meeting

Wed 5th July 2017
Cavalier recently attended the 13th Annual general meeting of the World Freight Partnership (WFP).  This was a very fruitful meeting with our WFP partners from around the globe and will lead to greater co-operation and increased business in the months ahead.
A Very Special Delivery From The UK to the USA

A Very Special Delivery From The UK to the USA

Mon 3rd July 2017
Recently, Cavalier Logistics was honored to be a part of a very special move – the tombstone of William Kennish. Kennish was born in 1799 in a small farmhouse on the Isle of Man. At the very young age of 12, he began a 7-year apprenticeship with a shipbuilder and at the age of 22 joined the Royal Navy until his retirement in 1842. While in the Royal Navy, among other inventions, he developed a method for concentrating the broadside of a ship of war which greatly improved the aim of naval artillery. Upon retirement from the Navy, Kennish returned to the Isle of Man where he published Mona’s Isle, a collection of poems he had written over the years. In 1848, he moved to the United States where he continued his career as an inventor and began a new career as an explorer, discovering the only canal route linking the Pacific and Atlantic oceans.